Sir Eli Grey
The Noblest of Noblemen
Sought Everything Good
Knowing how he was
Dastardly Misunderstood
Knowing how he was
Dastardly Misunderstood
Having Lost his Hope
Or his Mind
Or his Mind
He Came to Find
Along this Path
At the End of the Tunnel
Was a Snack and a Bath
Along this Path
At the End of the Tunnel
Was a Snack and a Bath
"Oh I Hope it's Tea."
This Would Please
The Gaunt and Weary Gentleman.
He Certainly Deserved It
For After Centuries of Doing
Everything and Nothing at All
This Would Please
The Gaunt and Weary Gentleman.
He Certainly Deserved It
For After Centuries of Doing
Everything and Nothing at All
Tea was the Only Thing that Remained Constant.